katharine recaps 2008

what an odd and mostly depressing year. here are my personal highlights:

March/September: participated in CBC’s game show program Test the Nation on the American-Canadian team. Won a pen, mug, and bragging rights.

April: sent off giant application for permanent residency under family class.

July: completed most recent round of design education. honour student all four semesters and burnt out on projects and unrealistic expectations. no competitions entered, no awards won.

September: obtained permanent resident status in Canada. anyone who’s ever gone through the immigration experience will understand how amazing this actually is.

October: officially graduated.

September–December: interned at one of the big magazine publication companies. one of the better work/learning experiences i’ve had in recent years. emerged more confident in abilities and real world expectations.


watching friends lose jobs.
the closing/ending of several things i loved.
sciatica in my left leg (not life-threatening but inconvenient…like most things).

the important things that happened this year were Very Important and will help steer the course for the upcoming years.

katharine still loves the internet

mmm…unexplained hiatus. maybe you thought this was yet another one for the old blog cemetary. life takes over and the reason one begins a blog, or any web-based project, can get lost. this does not mean i gave up the internet and went to live in the woods. most of my updates and thoughts went to Twitter and Facebook. both are perfect outlets for sharing links, ponderances and other findings with a select group of people.

i assure you that i will do better in the future to share more things here.