katharine makes so many, many things

Blogging falls way low on the priority list these days. Instead of writing, I’ve been illustrating, designing, relearning epub coding, playing with my Silhouette SD cutting machine, making plush monsters, making bunting jewelry from scraps, designing an articulated paper doll for Robot of Leisure, and playing Boggle.

Here’s some proof of my non-writing endeavors:


Monsters and moose and kitties, oh my!


Boris becomes articulated in paper doll form.

Boris demonstrates the writing process.

Robot of Leisure #5 is up on iTunes. (As are all the rest of my books.)

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Boris and the Open House by Katharine Miller

Boris and the Open House

by Katharine Miller

Giveaway ends August 25, 2012.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

If you’re on GoodReads, you can enter to win paperback editions of the first four installments (there are six total) of the Robot of Leisure graphic novel series.

And then sometimes I just make faces. Tra-la.